Fall Fest October 27th, 4-6pm

Preacher: Mac Cockrell

I'm Not Ready

Do you ever feel unprepared for the challenges ahead? David, the shepherd boy, felt the same, but his story shows how in small ways God prepares us where we are for the big things to come. Discover how to face your own giants this Sunday.

I Don't Have What It Takes

Ever wonder if you have what it takes to be a good dad or to build a strong family? Join us on Father's Day and discover how God gives strength and grace to fill all your gaps.

I Can't Do It By Myself

Your life was never meant to be a do-it-yourself project. You need expert help. Have you already made a mess of it? Feeling like you're in way over your head? Let's call upon the one who can truly restore us.

I Don't Like Myself Very Much

You have a relationship with yourself. The person you must deal with first and constantly is yourself. So what if you don't like yourself very much? Join us Sunday as we explore Psalm 139 and discover how deeply God Knows and loves us.

Real People

Do you stick around to read the credits after a movie? That's like the last chapter of Romans: a long list of weird roles and names. But not to Paul. These are people he knows. People he loves. It's the church.

Matters Of Conscience

Is every sin the same for everyone? Some things seem clear-cut, some things iffy. How do you navigate everyday moral questions? Join our discussion this Sunday!

Living Sacrifice

This Sunday, let's look at how small, daily commitments can lead to big changes in how you live and connect. Whether you want to strengthen your faith, foster better relationships, or find peace in the chaos- we'll talk about how to finally make it happen.

Life In The Spirit

A dead squirrel lay in our yard until it was mostly a puddle of worms and fur. My dog gobbled it up. Why? She's a dog. It's her nature. And just like a dog loves a warm pile of disgust, we love our sin. Why? We're sinners. It's our nature. But there's hope.

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