Join us for Worship at 8,9:30, or 11:00!

Worship through music and the arts is important at WBC. We want to use the talents God has given us to worship Him—in Spirit and in truth—with excellence and with a creativity that reflects our Creator.


At WBC we often have a choir. And they rock! We still use a beautiful piano.  We sometimes hear organ sounds, but from a synthesizer.  And we have guitars of all kinds, drums, and other instruments...a few times a year, even an orchestra. We not only have our heads up to sing from screens, we create original video content for those screens.  We create environments using color, light, texture and sound.  We have worship in multiple venues and for multiple age groups.  We look for ways to unleash the drama that is inherent in the story of Jesus.  We work tirelessly to discover ways to connect hearts with one another and with the heart of God.  And we have a blast doing all of that!

Ready to sing, play, or do tech ministry? If you are interested in using any artistic gift you have, we'd love to get connected. Contact  for more information.


Click here for more information about our Leadership Academy of the Arts, Woodburn's place to help artists develop their skill and use it for the Kingdom.