Fall Fest October 27th, 4-6pm

Men, Women, and the body of Christ

Imagine a world where old and young, men and women-all of us-join spiritual forces for something bigger than ourselves. That's the kind of unity we're talking about this Sunday, Come see what happens when the barriers fall down.

Men, Women, and Marriage

Is marriage still a big deal? Society's priorities have shifted. Cash and career? Sure. But marriage and family? This Sunday, we're talking about what make a truly fulfilling life.

Men, Women, and Sex

It's complicated the way God made you. You are not just a body but also a soul, a mind, a heart. That's why sex isn't just a physical thing-it's a whole-you thing. Ready to rethink what you've heard?

In 1970 a group of British theologians known as the Kinks famously said, "Girls will be boys and boys will be girls/It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world..." They had no idea. This Sunday, we're digging into identity, gender, and how God made us.

Death and Life Part 2

Death and Life

You don't belong to yourself. Your body isn't your own. Neither is your time. That's why gluttony and sloth make the list of deadly sins. Join the conversation and get a new vision for yourself and your life.

Pick Your Poison: Lust

If the church never talks about it, then people are discipled into sexuality by the world. This Sunday, we're breaking the silence on sex, shame, and secret sin. Join us for an honest discussion.

Pick Your Poison: Anger

Your anger pushes people away, even those who love you the most. Others may start to dislike you, but you already dislike yourself, so it's just pouring fuel on a fire. Are you ready to release the anger once an for all?

Pick Your Poison: PRIDE

Your soul is already poisoned in ways you don't realize. This Sunday, we're launching a new series on the 7 Deadly Sins, starting with PRIDE. Discover the sin behind all your sins. We'll name the poison and prescribe the antidote.

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