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The Woman With The Perfume

You can do ordinary things every day. But when you have the chance to do something extraordinary for Jesus, don't let that moment pass you by. The common-sense crowd will criticize. The lukewarm crowd will try to quench your fire. Let nothing stop you.

The Pharisee And The Tax Collector

Proverbs 6 gives a list of the 7 things God hates. Lying and murder are there, but what's at the top of the list? Looking down on other people. If your attitude toward people is wrong, you can't be right with God.

The Rich Fool

So there's a rich man, who loves his wealth, drops dead, and his poor naked soul enters eternity. When Jesus tells the story, he calls the man a fool, and it makes you wonder: What make a person rich? and Who's Jesus calling a fool?

The Farmer

Don't Stop.

Most New Year's resolutions are abandoned by the second Friday of January. We want change. We hope to change. But we never change. What's our problem? Why can't we make changes that stick?

Try Something Impossible

Does faith seem easy for others but not for you? They have faith that burns like a fire while you are rubbing two sticks together with barely a spark? But even a spark of faith is enough when you put your faith in Jesus.

When Life and Death Collide

Try Something New

One of the devil's biggest lies is, "You will never change." In Christ, you're a new creation, full of freedom and possibility, but the devil tells you otherwise. So step out of the rut. God's about to do a new thing in your life!

Do This Daily

Something must change, if 2023 is going to be different. You must change. The world says, "Be true to yourself." But what if being true to yourself is the worst thing you could possible do? Is there a better way? You bet.

Do This First

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