Fall Fest October 27th, 4-6pm

Nations Bow Down

Calling Then Wise Men makes it sound normal for them to have visited Baby Jesus. But they were more like sorcerers. Pagan warlocks. So why did they come to Bethlehem? Who invited them?

Near and Far

You feel powerless, although Jesus promised you'd have supernatural power. Wonder why? Maybe it's because you never attempt to do anything that requires supernatural power. He gives power with purpose.

One Big Job

How can you be comfortable living with Jesus, as long as there are people dying without him? You have a great mission. You were never meant to live for yourself.

MissionOne: Future Talk

Our church has celebrated the fulfillment of the 20/20 Vision. So what's next? I'm glad you asked. A bold new season of mission and life together starts now.

Knowing Your Limits

I used to think it wasn't nice to say no. And I thought Jesus wanted me to be nice. So I said yes to everybody, and I ended up living a life that Christ never intended.

Growth Through Grief

You don't recover from catastrophic loss. Grief may crush you, it may transform you, but it will not leave you the same. You can grow through grief.

Releasing The Past

You can't be a good Christian, while being an unfaithful spouse, a selfish neighbor, or a bad friend. Relationship problems are spiritual problems.

What Needs To Be Said

The old saying goes, " If you don't have something good to say, don't say anything at all." Silence is always an option. So is having something good to say.

What You Say When I Am Not Around

Romans 1:29-30 has an extreme list of wicked things, like hating God and being a murderer. Do you know what else makes the list? Gossip. If you'd rather talk behind somebody's back than to their face, you've got a problem.

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