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Good, Good Father

Elijah was as human as anybody, but when he prayed BIG things happened. Would you like to see supernatural power unleashed when you pray? Then follow Jesus into places where supernatural power is required.

The Answer To Every Prayer

The disciples saw Jesus do many magnificent things, from walking on water to raising the dead. But only after they saw him pray did they say," Will you teach us how to do that?"


Samson's story is famous for its shocking mix of sex, violence, and long, long hair. The people needed a hero but they got this walking miracle of lust and stupidity instead. Why does God use such a selfish and sinful person? It's the only kind of person there is.

Stop asking God to do something for you. Ask God to do something through you. There's a world of need. You'll have his strength, so you can't be stopped. Trust what he's put in you. Go change the world.

You are reading thru the book of Judges and all of the sudden there she is. The woman-prophet-leader of the nation. Deborah was in her time what Moses was in his time. Would God use a woman to fulfill all of those roles same as a man? He already did.

The fattest man in the Bible meets the only left-handed man in the Bible, and the outcome is explosive. Why is this story told in such shocking detail? So we'll see how God works everything out in our lives. Down to the smallest detail.

In the book of Judges the people of God live in moral chaos and confusion. How did things get so bad? Parents, that half-way followed the Lord raised kids that didn't follow the Lord at all. So much is lost in a single generation.

Raised To Life

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