Fall Fest October 27th, 4-6pm

Dead To Sin

Ever wondered why sin can feel so right, yet lead to so much wrong? Let's talk about it this Sunday. Find grace, find power to change. Your past doesn't decide your future. Join us in exploring a life beyond your failures.

Children of Abraham

Think you've got faith figured out? Think again. This Sunday we're exploring a story of epic fails and ultimate forgiveness, all wrapped up in one man's journey.

Darkened Hearts

Join us this Sunday as we explore Romans 1:18-32, confronting questions about ourselves, our sexuality, our faith, and our choices. There's controversy, for sure. But it's a conversation we all need.


Ever felt out of place for standing up for what you believe? This Sunday, we're exploring the power of unashamed faith, even when it feels like you're the odd one out. Whether it's the halls of the coliseum or the halls of your school, standing up matters.

Three Days

Discover how an empty tomb and a promise kept can transform your life. Join us as we explore what Easter is all about-beyond the bunnies, bonnets, and baskets. Let's meet Jesus together.

Cleaning House

Dolly Parton once entered a look-alike contest as herself and lost. Sometimes we don't see the real thing when it's right in front of us. This Sunday, we will see how expectations can make us overlook the real Jesus. Expect a house-cleaning of the heart.

The Threshing Floor

This Sunday: A king, a hill, and a story that changes everything. What makes a place sacred? Let's find out together.

Cost Of Worship

Are you into re-gifting? You give as a gift something you received as a gift, and it costs you nothing. But maybe true gifts come only at a personal cost. And maybe this reveals a deeper truth about following Jesus.

His Only Son

Imagine one place on earth where you can stand and see it all, from the dawn of creation to the heart of Easter. We are kicking off "A Hill Far Away," a journey to Mount Moriah, where history and faith intersect in extraordinary ways. Ready for an adventure?

Jews And The Future

Does God have unfinished business with the Jewish people? Are there promises to Israel yet to be fulfilled? What about the land? We're finishing this series with a look at God's Future for Israel.

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