Fall Fest October 27th, 4-6pm

In Every Generation

At the Seder Jews say, " In every generation they rise up against us to destroy us." It's true. From Haman and Hitler to Hamas. Has there ever been a people so despised by the world, so repeatedly targeted for annihilation? The question is, Why?

The Remnant

With Israel in the headlines, let's look at the way their past echoes into our present. This Sunday, we're diving into the choices that shaped a nation and how ancient crossroads reveal where the whole world is headed.

Chosen People

From Abram's leap of faith to a nation's destiny, this Sunday we unravel the beginnings, promises, and how we're all part of something bigger. It's not just Israel's story. It's your story, too. Ready for and epic journey?

When Giving Feels Good

Think giving's just about opening your wallet? Think again! Dive into our 'When Giving Feels Good' talk and discover why chucking a few bucks can actually be a blast! Spoiler: it's not just about the money.

The Debt Trap

Ever feel like everyone's faking it with money? Lots of us feel pressured to pretend. Being a slave to debt may seem normal, but what if financial freedom is within your reach?

Planned Spending

We read Proverbs 31 on Mother's Day or at grandma's funeral, but that Proverbs 31 woman is an incredible financial role model. She's out there in real estate, savvy with money, and generous to the poor.

Real Prosperity

How many truly happy people do you know? Does anybody even know what happiness is? We confuse it with pleasure and convenience. But surely there's more. What's life about? What's worth the pursuit?

Thinking Ahead

When you were born you got one life to live. One physical body. One mind. One set of relationships. Financial resources. One chance at doing something. Impossibly marvelous things may happen. So how do you keep from wasting it?

What Child Is This?

Queen Elizabeth traveled with 4000 pounds of luggage, 40 pints of plasma, and her own royal toilet seats. When Jesus came to us, they swaddled him in rags and laid him in the straw. Its unfathomable, what he left to be with us, the price he paid to save you.

O Little Town Of Bethlehem

The carol about the little town says "the hopes and fears of all the years" collide in Bethlehem, and it's true. Public celebration of Christmas is canceled this year in the very birthplace of Jesus. Bethlehem is in Palestinian territory, and conflict with Israel rages. Have mercy.

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