Join us for Worship at 8,9:30, or 11:00!

The Bad Samaritan

You say you love so much you'd die for others, but the chances are slim that you'll ever have to lay down your life. But if you really love, there's a 100% chance that you'll be inconvenienced.

The Antichrist is Here

Have you heard about the Antichrist, who'll rise up in the last days? The Apostle John says that there's more than one and that many antichrists have already come and gone. Would you know an antichrist if you met one?

Dark Things

After a buddy stole money from me, he never came back around. Losing the money didn't hurt. Losing the friend did. If only he would have come back to me, he would have known he was forgiven. Forgiveness is the heart of the gospel.

Worried Sick

There are only 2 types of things to worry about: things you can change, things you can't. It's dumb to worry about things you can change. It's even dumber to worry about things you can't. So how can you stop worrying?


In a world where everybody seems easily and quickly offended, Christ calls us to be different. We must bear with people in their imperfection. We must forgive all their offenses. In other words, we must be unoffendable.

The Whole World In His Hands

A 19th-century map shows the world and everything in it located in relation to Jesus, the center. In his hands it all holds together. What's falling apart in your world these days? Would you be willing to hand it over to him?

Sacrificial Love

Walking In God's Will

Prayer Partner

It's the hidden mystery of prayer. Beyond all logic and language there is an unstoppable stream of perfect prayer that flows above and beneath your own imperfect praying. It is the Holy Spirit, praying in you and for you.

Good, Good Father

Elijah was as human as anybody, but when he prayed BIG things happened. Would you like to see supernatural power unleashed when you pray? Then follow Jesus into places where supernatural power is required.

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