VBS June 9th-13th 6:00pm

The Stench

The shortest verse in the Bible is "Jesus wept." Beside the grave of his friend, Jesus weeps because he's human. He weeps because he's God. And of all the sad and broken hearts, it turns out God's own heart is the biggest most broken of all.

When Jesus Sleeps

The whole nighttime excursion was Jesus' idea, and when the storm comes, the disciples find him asleep in the boat. "Jesus , don't you care?" they shout. He sleeps, not because he is unconcerned but because he's unafraid. You don't have to be afraid either.

Alone In The Crowd

A miracle is when God intervenes, radically inserting his own will and power. Miracles bring change, and while lots of folks say they want a miracle, they don't necessarily want to change. Maybe that's why we don't see more miracles.

Blood From A Turnip

The disciples face a hungry crowd and Jesus says, Feed them." It's an impossible situation. It'd take a miracle. And that's when miracles happen. It starts when you show up in frustration and ends when Jesus shows up in power.

Wonder Working Power

The world needs a miracle. This country needs a miracle. I need a miracle, and so do you. Is Jesus still in the miracle working business? You better believe it!

No More Tears

Close your eyes. Picture heaven. If what you see is winged babies with harps on fluffy clouds, come back to the Bible. Our final home won't be off in the clouds. Heaven comes down to a renewed earth. God makes his eternal home with us.

You've heard of the great battle of Armageddon, but have you actually read what the Bible says about it? The armies of the world come together. But there's no war. They're fighting CHRIST. He flattens them with a single word from his mouth. And it's over.

High Noon

In the end what matters is faithfulness to Christ. Faithfulness unto death. So pray as if they're already coming for you. Read the Bible like they're about to tear it out of your hands. You'll never live for Jesus until you realize he's worth dying for.

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