Christmas Eve Services 6:00pm & 11:15pm

Our senior adults have a monthly gathering typically on the third Thursday of every month and have a meal together. Whether that gathering includes a trip to a restaurant, a potluck at church, or different speakers and activities, we always have fun! Watch the calendar, newsletter, the weekly email, or call the church office to get more details. Come join us!

2025 Events:

January 16th- Noon, potluck meal

February 20th-Noon, potluck meal

March 20th-Noon, potluck meal

April 8th- Bus Trip to The Trappist Kentucky and lunch

April 17th- Noon, potluck meal

May 15th- Noon, potluck meal and  Ladies Chorale Group


June 19th- Noon, potluck meal

July 17th-Noon, potluck meal

August 21- Noon, potluck meal

September 18th- Bus trip to Moonlite Bar-B-Q  and tour of LST-325 ship in Evansville

October 15th-17th -Daytime Revival 

November 8- Bus trip to the Poinsettia Garden and lunch in Springfield, TN

December 13th- Bus trip to Grand Rivers, Pattis lunch and the Christmas Program at Badgettt Playhouse

Please contact Jane Clark (270-303-6780) for more information about this group.