
  • Sunday

    On Sunday mornings from 9:20 - 10:40 we have a worship element coupled along with small group environments for kids birth - 6th grade. Leaders connect with students by participating in a combination of live teaching and videos with the kids and then engaging in stimulating activities and conversation to discover and emphasize three basic, and powerful, truths that were also modeled by Jesus as he grew from a boy to a man.

    PreK & Kinders Learn:

    God made me.

    God loves me.

    Jesus wants to be my friend forever.

    1st - 6th Graders Learn:

    I can trust God no matter what.

    I need to make the wise choice.

    I should treat others the way Jesus would.

  • Mid-Week

    On Wednesday evenings at 6:00pm we have groups for 2 yrs - 6th grade. These groups focus on a variety of Bible based skills and information along with deeper discipleship. Our team of leaders is committed to building relationships with kids and families in order to convey and discuss Biblical truth, learn and practice Bible navigation, and offer real life application through a variety of activities. Our midweek groups participate in ways to celebrate the different seasons that God has made, learn about how they can serve others, participate and lead in worship, compete in a season of Bible trivia based quizzing, etc. We would love for you to join us or let us know if you have any questions.

  • Events

    Woodburn Kids offers special events for church members as well as the local community throughout the year. To stay up to date on all our events please subscribe to our weekly newsletter.

First Time Guest?

It is our desire to create an engaging, irresistible, for your child. Below are policies and procedures we have put in place to ensure your child’s safety and care.

  • Check Point

    All parents are required to check their children in at the Preschool or Kids Welcome Desk. First time visitors will receive our two-part security tag system. Part of the tag has the child's name and security code. The other part matches the child's part of the tag and is given to the parents. Parents must present the matching security tag when picking up their child — no exceptions. After your child has enrolled in Woodburn Kids, parents can utilize our self check-in system to receive a security tag.

  • Health

    Children who show signs or symptoms of fever or any other contagious diseases will be encouraged to wait a week before attending Woodburn Kids in order to protect other children. Parents are asked that their children be fever and/or nausea/vomiting free for 24 hours before attending.

    Parents are asked to disclose all allergies on their enrollment form so that it can be noted on your child's security tag. If your child carries an EpiPen, you are required to tell the teacher when and how to administer the medication. If a teacher brings in outside food for a small group lesson, they are required to list the food outside the door.

  • Enrollment

    It is imperative that a guest registration form be filled out for each child visiting Woodburn Kids. Our team will greet you at the Preschool or Kids Welcome Desk and help you with the enrollment and check-in process. The welcome desk is located at the end of the main hall going past the church office for preschool/kindergarten and at the top of the stairs for 1st-6th grade. After visiting should your child and your family decide to join us more regularly we request that you fill out a Small Group Registration form to help your child's leader better connect with your family.