Discipleship Resources

  • Bless Every Home

    Blesseveryhome.com is a website that gives you the opportunity to get to know your

    neighbors better and have an opportunity to pray for them. Jesus said, "I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows me will never walk in darkness but have the light of life." The Lord planted our church where we are to help our neighbors discover the light of life. So, we're asking each member of our church to consider becoming a Light to their neighbors and living intentional pray-care-share lifestyles.

    Becoming a Light is free and confidential. You'll receive a map and list of your closest neighbors, along with emails at the frequency of your choice (Example: choose daily or once a week) to pray for your next five neighbors that day. When you get a chance, walk or drive by those homes as you pray for them.

    Click on the button below, create an account, and begin praying for those in your neighborhood.

  • Ministry Grid

    Ministry Grid is an online training resource. We have selected some courses that will help all of us get started back on a path of discipleship in 2021. Just click on the link below and select register to set up an account. You will be in the Woodburn Baptist group and will be assigned the Growth Spurt courses. (You can also take any course on Ministry Grid, so take a look around.) Please let us know if you have any questions or difficulty getting set up by email to Warren Weeks by emailing him at warrenweeks@woodburnbaptist.org.